
Sustainable Winegrowing

The first french


in wine industry

Created in 2010, the Vignerons en Développement Durable (“Winegrowers in sustainable Development”) Association brings together winegrowers committed to a CSR approach from the vine to the glass. its Sustainable Winegrowing approval is the first CSR and sustainability certification dedicated to the world of wine in France.



Winegrowers and employees



Wine-growing regions concerned



Bottle sold every 5 seconds





ISO 26000 contrôlé


Its schedule of requirements is audited and assessed by AFNOR, the independent French standardization association. It is based on based on ISO 26000, the internationally recognized CSR standard.


Sustainable Winegrowing has adopted a modern, ambitious schedule of requirements, based on 4 pillars. More than a straightforward environmental certification, it promotes an entire philosophy of sustainability.









Our 12 sustainability commitments

from the vine to the glass

Comprehensive and balanced, the certification covers all stages of production, from the first leaves on the vines to the last drop of wine.

Need more information ?

Our website is still under construction. Contact us to have more information before it is complete.


  • To take real action in favour of producers committed to a long-term approach
  • To support sustainable wine production: maintaining rural communities and landscapes, protecting naturals resources and biodiversity, ecodesign, the reduction of waste, etc.
  • To have a guarantee that a wine has been produced in ethical working conditions: well-being of producers and employees, fair distribution of value, gender equality, etc.
  • To buy good quality wines at a fair price: for you, for the producers, and for all the stakeholders
  • To provide real answers to consumers’ growing demand for responsible, sustainably produced wines
  • To stand out and to replenish your ranges with products that are sustainable from the vine to the glass
  • To develop your own CSR commitments by participating in the wine industry’s first CSR certification
  • To have the guarantee of certification verified by a trusted third party (AFNOR)
  • To meet more stringent requirements from customers with a complete, constantly evolving CSR initiative
  • To benefit from the support of a flourishing national collective, with 10 years experience in CSR and sustainable development
  • To innovate and join forces with a strong project that gives direction to your business
  • To commit yourself with certification that takes into account your identity and the specific nature of your activity
  • To obtain recognition for your sound environmental and societal practices in France and internationally (ISO 26 000)
  • Pour faire un geste citoyen concret en faveur de producteurs engagés sur le long-terme
  • Pour soutenir une viticulture durable : maintien des paysages et des territoires ruraux, protection des ressources naturelles et de la biodiversité, écoconception et réduction des déchets…
  • Pour la garantie d’un vin produit dans des conditions sociales éthiques : bien-être des producteurs et salariés, juste répartition de la valeur, égalité femme-homme…
  • Pour acheter des vins de qualité à un prix juste : pour vous, pour les producteurs, pour les parties-prenantes
  • Pour apporter une réponse concrète aux nouvelles attentes des consommateurs de vins responsables et engagés
  • Pour vous différencier et renouveler vos gammes avec des produits durables de la vigne au verre
  • Pour valoriser vos propres engagements RSE en participant au développement du premier label RSE de la filière vin
  • Pour la garantie d’un label audité par un tiers reconnu (AFNOR)
  • Pour répondre à une demande plus exigeante de vos clients avec une démarche RSE complète et en constante évolution
  • Pour vous appuyer sur un collectif national en plein essor, fort de 10 ans d’expérience en RSE et développement durable
  • Pour innover et fédérer avec un projet fort et porteur de sens dans votre entreprise
  • Pour vous engager avec un label qui tient compte de votre identité et vos spécificités propres
  • Pour faire reconnaître en France et à l’international vos bonnes pratiques environnementales et sociétales (ISO 26 000)

Our members

The certification enables us to highlight our sustainable development approach and the balance between nature and winegrowing that we strive to achieve.

Laure/Sustainable Winegrowing representative, Domaine Isle Saint Pierre (Provence)

In this important period of ecological transition and the preservation of biodiversity, Sustainable Winegrowing certification helps us to meet the necessary objectives. The goal is to produce good quality wines that enable us to earn a living, and that leave a minimal carbon footprint. A joint approach to further develop the way our vineyards and our wineries work together.

Denis/Winegrower, Cave de Rauzan (Bordelais)

The Convention is the high point of the year! It’s always a great opportunity to meet winegrowers and people working in the industry not only to discuss best practices but also to look to the issues of the future which concern us all, whatever field we are in, and whatever the size of the winery. Land ownership, biodiversity, new grape varieties, climate change... over the years, at each Convention, there are numerous ideas that we have developed after discovering them over the course of the event.

Jérôme/Winegrower, Cave des Vignerons de Tavel et Lirac (Vallée du Rhône)

The Association ensures that this certification, created by winegrowers for winegrowers, remains active and continues to evolve. Thanks to the four committees, everyone has an opportunity to participate, present their position and benefit from feedback from others.

Murielle/Sales Manager, Cave de Tain (Vallée du Rhône)

Very well received by our stakeholders, our new identity reflects our image and our true character. It celebrates 10 years of existence, consolidates our fundamental values and gives consumers a clear picture of what we stand for.

Rickman/Commercial Director, Rhonéa (Vallée du Rhône)

Different terroirs, histories, products, sizes of company, production and marketing methods: our great strength is the diversity of our members.

Iris/Director, Winegrowers in Sustainable Development Association

For me, Sustainable Winegrowing’s great strength is the power of its collective intelligence. Progressing in a participative fashion takes longer, but enables you to go further. It is also very useful to benefit from an overview of our activity. To see the effects of our commitment in the long-term. Our diversity is a strength, and helps us to progress individually. We can exchange ideas, share our experiences and challenge the way things are done.

Romain/Winegrower, Cave St Maurice (Languedoc Roussillon)

The audit enables us to present everything that is being done, and to develop our employees’ projects and actions; it also ensures that there is regular pressure to progress with our continuous improvement approach.

Frédéric/Oenologist, Caves de la Loire (Loire)

Sustainable Winegrowing certification has enabled us to be responsive to stakeholders and to stand out from the competition. The schedule of requirements based on ISO 26000 has given our approach international recognition and enabled the implementation of overall organization for continuous improvement in CSR.

Cécile/Quality manager, Jaillance (Vallée du Rhône)

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